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Showing most liked content on 06/14/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi Guys, Just a quick post to let you guys know that we have fixed few small things based on your reports for example added empower buff to TVT event for mages ( Empower potion will also become available from next update) or updated the description of the masks for vote coins. We are currently working on bigger update and will let you know as soon as it is ready, on the other hand we will raise new topic for smaller updates - long story short changed description, added into the post.Bigger updates will have their own post with breakdown of changes. One of most important reports was regarding the time of Epic Raid Boss re spawns, upon next time of the server restart (This Monday) the Epic Raid Bosses will be locked upon their reborn if they will re spawn in the morning for few hours and we will drop you a quick post on our forum regarding the time of them being available to kill. The point of this is to have them re spawning at more convenient time for more people and make them worth going for and actually having more fun there. Another change will relate to the siege - these wont be happening in different days of the week, we want to have at least 2 sieges taking place at the same time to allow smaller/weaker clans to stand a chance to win one as well. L2gold.in Team
  2. 1 point
    Hello there! I would like to inform you that the server will be turned off on Monday morning in order to do an update server. I will give you the exact hour on sunday or monday! Full changes will be posted to the forum on monday and you will have to make an update client game using our L2Updater or download full patch! Yours sincerely, L2Gold team