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Showing most liked content on 02/17/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Event Start 22 February at 20:00 +2GMT Event Squash is a special event for every player - Freshman and the one wearing a lot of war scars! During this event you will be able to level up quickly as well as get some extra drop, which may simply increase amounts of mats you are sitting on or give you a solid kick at the begging of your journey on our fantastic project! It is really simple event, you can find only two type of monsters there: Smaller squash ''High Quality Squash'" - there is plenty plenty of these around These will give you highest amounts of experience and they will drop mantras/sn/adena as well as Chrono Cithara weapon ( 10% drop chance ) This is a unique weapon which will last 20 minutes ( do not worry, go back to kill some more small squashes and you will get another one! ) Wielding this weapon you will be able to enjoy the event more as you can join hunting Larger Squashes ''Large Young Squash'' These bad boys will be spawned in designated area and if you get lucky enough you will get special drop like Special Epic Box or Enria From Epic Box you might get rewards like extra mantras, BEAS, BEWS , Wep A grade with SA ++ Onwards!! * ''Large Young Squash'' can also be killed using normal weapon, however you will not be able to get Special Epic Box
  2. 1 point
    Mayor probabilidad de convocar al campeón de la criatura en la zona de ruinas élficas Aumento de la caída del gigante 'Judgment Hound Dog Kelvas' y menor cantidad de vida Comenzó la olimpiada Compilado nuevos eventos de elementos de calificación del sistema Probabilidad de habilidad reducida Sello de suspensión Se agregaron otras salas de clanes al subastador de la NPC Los moobs de los campeones han liderado la caja superior desplegable de estas cajas se caen los benditos pergaminos
  3. 1 point