– Fixed issue with crt button for attack enemy on all vs all Events
– Hero Weapon Signer skill silence chance reduced by 20%
– Updated new geodate in regions 24:14, Area around Hot Springs
– Fixed issue with removing masks after changing mask position in inventory. Masks like Hero Wings or Lord Crown will now be taken down automatically as soon as you will not be eligible to wear them.
– Antharas can not drop Zeusk Mask of Life and Zeus Mask of Protection
– Imported Hero Glow from C4 Client

– Added automatic RaidBoss Event which will be taking place every 2 weeks on Monday,
1st. Event Raidboss 11/04/2021 2nd. Event Raidboss 25/04/2021
– Monday will now be a day without Olympiad, which means Olympiad games are taking place 6 days of the week from now on. This will allow people to take a break from these fights and enjoy!
– Added new Shields L2G-Oldschool which can be dropped from every RaidBoss, get ready before adding Ancient L2G-OldSchool weapons!
– From now on Berserker Spirit Buff takes M Def as it should be.
– Added Beast Spiritshot for pets to Misc Shop NPC Harvana
– Bright Servitor self buff pet blocked on Olympiad
– Beast Spiritshot for pet allowed to be used on Olympiad
– Soultaker gets buff Shield lvl 1 from beggining of the fight in Olympiad
– Maestro and Fortune Seeker classes get buff Focus lvl 1 from beginning of the fight in Olympiad
Some important info:
* Everyday @ 00:00- 00:30 +2GMT there is a special Gian being summoned ”Stone Giant” with great drop!
*From now on you don’t always have to have multibox in order to farm as you get buffs automatically from certain monsters in top zones ( Vampire Warrior and Confessor Gigant)
* Static Epic times were made in order to allow everyone to take part in fights, below is a reminder when and what time they are respawning
– Queen Ant – Tuesdays, 23:00 +10 minutes
– Antharas – Thursdays, 23:00 +10 minutes
– Baium – Fridays, 23:00 +10 minutes
– Valakas – Saturdays, 23:00 +10 minutes
Also quick reminder about some events:
Mondays: Event-Medal 20:00 +2GMT | RaidBoss Event 21:30+2 GMT
Tuesdays Event Battle All Vs All IV Arens 20:00 +2 GMT

Wednesdays: Siege Gludio/Goddard 21:00 +2 GMT
Fridays: Event Highrate
There will be further changes with regards to the rest Epic Bosses in next updates.
We are also working towards bringing most popular Olympaid system which is all vs all but this will not happen until we are ready for it.