Changelog 05/05/2024

CHANGELOG 05/05/2024

• From now on, daily quest monsters will respawn faster.

• All raid bosses dropping now L2Gold Weapons +10 (not +0 anymore)

  • Increased rewards from daily quests.

• Changes in L2Gold/OS weapons’ special abilities.

  • Increased critical in all Crokians/Crokians Duals weapons.
    • Increased Magic Attack in all Dusk Sword weapons.

• Increased drop rate from all giants. • Increased drop rate from all monsters in daily zones.

• Updated Siege Box, now there’s a chance to drop Dynasty parts 90%.

• The Olympiad system has a 5-minute ban penalty for character and account restarts.

  • Additionally, a penalty has been added in a special room from which you cannot leave and your actions will be logged. Each account will be banned for offenses.

• Added Abandoned Mines to the new zone. (Every Monday)

  • New giants with increased drop rates appearing once a week.
    • Added a new giant “Saka’s Follower” (respawn time random) that clans,players can fight! An auto announcement will be made when it appears.

• Restored Dianne NPC’s boxes (Event Shop) to Apella 75% but now they will be +8.

• Improved connectivity further to resolve lag issues.

• Restored special Lucky Box with Books from +8 to +14! In the event shop (limited time).
• Restored iTopZ to the voting system.

• Reset PVP Ranking.

• From now on, High Rate Events will be twice a week.

  • Every Monday 20:30-21:00 2+GMT.
    • Every Friday 23:30-00:00 2+GMT.
      • Changed respawn time for Raid Boss: Lilith & Anakim respawn time: 10min Rand spawn: 2min.
      • Increased monster drops from High Rate Events.

• Added Lucky Box with Book of Giants from +8 to +14! There’s now a chance to get it in the tournament event with Box Tournament.

• Siege in Innadril, which takes place every other Saturday, will now be held from 01:00-03:00 +2GMT.

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